PEM_read_bio:bad base64 decode:pem_lib.c
Artur Jasowicz
2008-01-24 21:47:53 UTC
I am trying to decrypt a private key and am running into following
$ openssl rsa -in my.key -out my.key.dec
unable to load Private Key
28356:error:0906D064:PEM routines:PEM_read_bio:bad base64

No references in google for this particular message.
Any help appreciated
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John T. Cox
2008-01-31 18:56:57 UTC
Is your key in the right format?
Post by Artur Jasowicz
I am trying to decrypt a private key and am running into following
$ openssl rsa -in my.key -out my.key.dec
unable to load Private Key
28356:error:0906D064:PEM routines:PEM_read_bio:bad base64
No references in google for this particular message.
Any help appreciated
OpenSSL Project http://www.openssl.org
John T. Cox
e-mail vampire77-***@public.gmane.org
www http://members.iglou.com/vampire