Pedro Lamarão
2014-10-01 12:42:06 UTC
Hello, fellows.
I am implementing a new streamer for CMS_SignedData with CMS_sign.
Because I need to adapt a certain input and output interface, I chose
to use BIO pairs with BIO_new_CMS. I read from my original input
stream, write into the CMS filter, read from the pair and write to the
original output stream.
My program successfuly produces a SignedData structure in the end, but
the actual data is embedded. I have passed (CMS_BINARY | CMS_DETACHED
| CMS_STREAM) as flags to the initial call to CMS_sign but still the
SignedData is not being produced detached.
Am I missing something? Is there another way I can achieve the same thing?
The code that follows is a true fragment from my original program.
Thanks for your time.
auto content = std::shared_ptr<CMS_
auto x = CMS_sign(signer_certificate.get(), signer_key.get(),
nullptr, nullptr, (CMS_BINARY | CMS_DETACHED | CMS_STREAM));
if (x == nullptr) return E_FAIL;
content.reset(x, CMS_ContentInfo_free);
auto tmp_size = 1024U;
BIO * tmp_in, * tmp_out;
BIO_new_bio_pair(& tmp_in, 0U, & tmp_out, 0U);
auto tmp_cms = BIO_new_CMS(tmp_in, content.get());
auto buffer_size = 1024U * 1024U;
auto buffer = std::unique_ptr<unsigned char []>(new unsigned char
while (true)
auto inc = ULONG(0);
auto hr = input->Read(buffer.get(), buffer_size, & inc);
if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
if (inc == 0) break;
auto r = BIO_write(tmp_cms, buffer.get(), inc);
if (r <= 0) return E_FAIL;
auto tmpc = BIO_read(tmp_out, buffer.get(), buffer_size);
if (tmpc <= 0) break;
auto outc = ULONG(0);
hr = output->Write(buffer.get(), tmpc, & outc);
if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
(* written) += outc;
while (true)
auto tmpc = BIO_read(tmp_out, buffer.get(), buffer_size);
if (tmpc <= 0) break;
auto outc = ULONG(0);
auto hr = output->Write(buffer.get(), tmpc, & outc);
if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
(*written) += outc;
I am implementing a new streamer for CMS_SignedData with CMS_sign.
Because I need to adapt a certain input and output interface, I chose
to use BIO pairs with BIO_new_CMS. I read from my original input
stream, write into the CMS filter, read from the pair and write to the
original output stream.
My program successfuly produces a SignedData structure in the end, but
the actual data is embedded. I have passed (CMS_BINARY | CMS_DETACHED
| CMS_STREAM) as flags to the initial call to CMS_sign but still the
SignedData is not being produced detached.
Am I missing something? Is there another way I can achieve the same thing?
The code that follows is a true fragment from my original program.
Thanks for your time.
auto content = std::shared_ptr<CMS_
auto x = CMS_sign(signer_certificate.get(), signer_key.get(),
nullptr, nullptr, (CMS_BINARY | CMS_DETACHED | CMS_STREAM));
if (x == nullptr) return E_FAIL;
content.reset(x, CMS_ContentInfo_free);
auto tmp_size = 1024U;
BIO * tmp_in, * tmp_out;
BIO_new_bio_pair(& tmp_in, 0U, & tmp_out, 0U);
auto tmp_cms = BIO_new_CMS(tmp_in, content.get());
auto buffer_size = 1024U * 1024U;
auto buffer = std::unique_ptr<unsigned char []>(new unsigned char
while (true)
auto inc = ULONG(0);
auto hr = input->Read(buffer.get(), buffer_size, & inc);
if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
if (inc == 0) break;
auto r = BIO_write(tmp_cms, buffer.get(), inc);
if (r <= 0) return E_FAIL;
auto tmpc = BIO_read(tmp_out, buffer.get(), buffer_size);
if (tmpc <= 0) break;
auto outc = ULONG(0);
hr = output->Write(buffer.get(), tmpc, & outc);
if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
(* written) += outc;
while (true)
auto tmpc = BIO_read(tmp_out, buffer.get(), buffer_size);
if (tmpc <= 0) break;
auto outc = ULONG(0);
auto hr = output->Write(buffer.get(), tmpc, & outc);
if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
(*written) += outc;
Pedro Lamarão ∷
"Sanity consists in the faculty of adjusting ideas in proper
proportion." - Aleister Crowley
OpenSSL Project
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Pedro Lamarão ∷
"Sanity consists in the faculty of adjusting ideas in proper
proportion." - Aleister Crowley
OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List openssl-users-MCmKBN63+***
Automated List Manager majordomo-MCmKBN63+***